Shweta Singh Kirti opens up about ‘Pain she is going through’ after Sushant Singh Rajput’s death


Sushant Singh Rajput's sister Shweta Singh Kirti is still unable to come to terms with his death. She penned a heartfelt note on Instagram, talking about her immense pain & the slow process of healing.

Shweta Singh Kirti took to Instagram to share a long post addressing the pain she has and is still going through and she said: “I have gone through a lot of pain & still going through a lot. The time I feel Iam allowed to live a normal regular life, some or other pain surfaces. The process of healing is slow & needs patience." 

"If I keep scratching my wound & looking if it has healed. It only makes it worse! The brother (Sushant Singh Rajput) I have lost, I have spent every second of my growing up days with. He [SSR] was an integral part of me! We were complete together. Now he is no more & it will take time for me to realize it & live with it,” she added to her note.

Sushant Singh Rajput was found dead in his home in Mumbai on June 14. Mumbai Police ruled it a suicide case, who conducted the initial investigation. The case is currently being investigated by the CBI (Central Bureau of Investigation).

Shweta Singh Kirti urged Sushant Singh Rajput’s fans to continue in their fight for justice but ‘with the utmost dignity & perseverance’. She further wrote in her Instagram note, “But I know one thing for sure & that is God is there & he never gives up on his true devotees. He knows that there are so many aching hearts & he will make sure the truth shines forth." 

Believe in him & his grace. Stay United & please do not fight with each other. When we pray, we purify our hearts & make space for God to express. God is nothing but love, kindness & compassion,” she added.

 Shweta Singh Kirti thanked SSR’s fans for supporting the family in these tough times & wrote, “You guys do not know how much you all mean to me (my family). The love & support we have received as a family had reclaimed my faith in humanity &divinity. I pray to the Almighty that he lead us to truth & light.”
